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Pumkin Pie

A staple for Thanksgiving or fall.... Pumkin pie. I have always used canned pumkin, its just easy. This year, however, I used a real pie pumkin. I picked up my Field Goods, and for anyone who doesn't get it and likes to cook, should. It is a wekkly or bi-weekly delivery of fresh fruit and vegetables from lacal farms. You don't know what you'll get until a couple days before hand.

 I pick up my bag, and there is a pie pumkin, so I'm going to use it. I cut in half, scooped out the seeds and gookie stuff. Placed the pumkin face down on a cookie sheet with about a quarter inch of water and baked in the oven on 375. It took about an hour, you bake until you can push a fork gently through the skin. I had to add more water part way through as well. When it was done, I took it out and let it completely cool. The skin hardened back up after it cooled so I easily took a spoon and scraped it all out. Once I had all of the pumkin in a bowl, I used my shussher, that's what I call it but I think the real name is a hand blender. I pureed the pumkin.

I then followed the pumkin pie recipe that I always did with an egg, cinnamon, ginger, sugar, and evaporated milk. Poured in the crust, I used a roll out kind but I've also used the frozen as well. I am not a huge baker, I prefer to cook mainly, I think because I don't like to be told what to do and this pretty much includes, following recipes! lol.

I baked in a 425 preheated oven for 15 and then turned it down to 350and baked for another hour. I checked at 45 min but it still wasn't a clean knife so it ened up being and hour.


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